Sunday, 19 October 2008

Comparing 3 different magazine covers.

I am going to compare three magazines which are all very different. The ones that I am going to compare are 'Teen Vogue' which is a fashion magazine 'Heat' which is a gossip magazine and 'NME' which is a music magazine.

The first magazine I am going write about is Teen Vogue which is a fashion magazine.
The language of this magazine is very compact; it isn't just a simple front cover there is a lot going on in it. This will pull the reader in because they will see that there is a lot for them to read about and each bit is something different. The way the cover shows this is by the way that each title for a different story is written in a different way even if it is just a different colour or a different font, it still shows that it is an different individual story.

The audience for this magazine would be teenage girls rather than boys the way that it shows this is by having a girl on the front cover and wearing pink with is the stereotypical girl colour. Also because the colours of the fonts and the colour of the actual title magazine is in pink and orange with are more girl colours rather than boys.

The title of this magazine has also been put on top of the picture rather than sometimes they are put underneath. However even though it has been put on top it has been put so that it doesn't block any of the picture out or any of the writing out and makes it very clear. This could show that the magazine is clear on what they are talking about.

The next magazine that i am going to write about is NME this is a music magazine aimed at teenagers both girls and boys.

The language of this is also very compact and has a lot going on. This magazine has more going on than the Teen Vogue one and when you look at it; it could confuse the reader as there are stories everywhere. However it could also pull the reader in because the audience will obvious be interested in music so they will want to know everything that is going on. This front cover shows that it does know a lot of what is going on because of the amount of stories that it is showing us that it knows, also more stories are inside than that are just on the cover so it shows that there will be a lot to read about.

The way that the magazine shows it is for
boys and girls rather than just one or the other is by having both a boy and a girl on the front cover together and using both blue and pink texts. This shows that there is something for girls and something for boys included in the magazine which widens the audience.

However the title in this magazine is covered by the picture, not all of just the E where as the teen vogue one wasn't. As they have covered the E in the title they have put the title again next to it not as another title but as part of a title for a story inside but this makes it clear to readers that may not buy the magazine the name of it in case that they didn't know it.

The final magazine i am going to write about is Heat which is a magazine all about gossip usually to do with celebrities. This magazine is aimed at teenagers, more likely girls that will buy it because they are more interested in what is going on but boys could buy it as well.

The language of this magazine is also very compact which i obviously the same with all magazines to show that there is a lot going on for the reader to read about. This magazine shows the stories more with pictures as well rather than just text which could be a good way to pull readers in to show them who the story is actually about rather than just a title of it.

The title of this magazine has been partly covered by the picture but just the A and it is almost like his head is replacing the A because an A is a round shape and so is somebody's head.

On the magazine front cover both blue and pink is used showing that it is for girls and boys. The colours are used as a background colour behind two stories; this could indicate which story is more aimed at boys and which story is more aimed at girls.

Overall i have found that each magazine has similar ways of displaying there front covers, such as all three of them are very crowded front covers showing that the magazine is full of different stories. Also each magazine has something different about it, e.g. some are just for girls, some are just for boys and some are for both girls and boys.

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